Is There a Possible Connection Between Cerebral Palsy & Autism?

According to 4 My Child, a cerebral palsy (CP) organization, cerebral palsy and autism are not directly related. However, the two disorders can have a connection to each other. CP and autism can share the same cause and have similar symptoms.
  1. Cerebral Palsy

    • Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that effects body movement and muscle coordination of those inflicted with the disorder. CP is usually caused by fetal damage, birth complications, or traumatic injury in early childhood.


    • Autism is a developmental disorder that affects speech, behavior, and social interaction. Autism is usually diagnosed within the first three years of life.


    • A common cause CP and autism share is exposure to mercury. If you are pregnant you should avoid any possible exposure to mercury.

    Common Symptoms

    • Mental retardation is a common symptom linking cerebral palsy and autism. Two-thirds of the CP population is mentally impaired. Those who are mentally challenged are more likely to have autism.


    • CP and autism have many similarities. One of the most noticeable similarities is that the severity of each disorder varies case to case. Somebody with autism or CP may only be slightly impaired while others with either disorder will have well pronounced differences.

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