Recovery From Neuropathy
The Facts
When the cause of neuropathy is known and treated, the possibility of recovery is very good. In some cases, nerve damage may be permanent.
One of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes. When diabetes is well-controlled, there is a good chance that neuropathy can be stopped from progressing. Certain hereditary disorders can cause neuropathy, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth. Recovery from neuropathy is less likely with this type of disorder. When neuropathy is caused by alcoholism or exposure or toxic chemicals, there is a good chance of recovery if the cause is eliminated.
When the underlying cause is known, treatment for neuropathy involves controlling the causes, such as diabetes or alcohol abuse. Medications may be prescribed to relieve pain, but won't lead to recovery.
It is not always possible to identify the cause of neuropathy. If the cause is not known, nerve damage is more difficult to treat and less likely to result in recovery.
A healthy diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain can encourage recovery from neuropathy. Avoid toxic chemicals and cramped positions, which can lead to nerve damage.