Food to Fight Anxiety
Dark Chocolate
When you eat dark chocolate, you increase the levels of feel-good hormones in your body like serotonin, dopamine and endorphin. When these hormones increase, your body lowers its feelings of anxiety.
Berries are rich in sugar. By consuming berries, your body slowly burns the sugar for energy so that you won't experience a sugar crash. Also, the Vitamin C in berries fights away cortisol, which is a stress hormone.
Salmon is high in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 lowers cholesterol and plaque buildup in your blood, which helps to relieve tension and stress. The protein in salmon will also keep your sugar levels stable.
The Vitamin C in oranges will help fight anxiety similarly to the effects of berries. The sugars break down slowly, preventing a crash and anxiety.
Organic Peanut Butter
Protein helps with blood sugar levels, so consuming peanut better, which is high in protein, will fight anxiety. Three ingredients in peanut butter (Tryptophan, Vitamin B6 and amino acid) increase serotonin production in the brain, helping you to overcome or prevent anxiety.
Thick pasta specifically takes the body a while to break down. This prevents your blood sugar from increasing quickly, an effect that can increase anxiety. Pasta made with fiber helps with your hormonal balance.