Is a Febrile Seizure the Same As an Overheating Seizure?
Febrile Seizure
A febrile seizure is a type of seizure that occurs in young children due to high fever. This type of seizure usually involves a loss of consciousness with shaking of the limbs.
Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is a condition in which the body is exposed to excessive heat that it is not able to regulate. This can occur due to prolonged exposure to a hot environment or suddenly due to excessive exertion in a hot environment, with seizures being a potential symptom in both cases.
Febrile vs. Heat-Related Seizures
Febrile seizures are similar to heat-related seizures in that body temperature is a factor in both. However, febrile seizures are brought on by a fever, whereas heat stroke produces seizures caused by an excess external heat load.
Febrile seizures are relatively uncommon, with only about 1 in 25 children experiencing them at some point in early childhood according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Seizures are a common symptom of severe cases of heat stroke.
Febrile and heat-related seizures are treated first by subduing the person to ensure he is not injured during the seizure. Following the seizure, the underlying condition is treated to reduce the fever or excessive body heat through aggressive cooling.