Methods of Medical & Physical Therapy for People With Cerebral Palsy
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a common form of cerebral palsy treatment and can be received through a doctor's prescription. Physical therapy is available at several places. Many school systems can offer children with CP physical therapy. Out-patient therapy at a rehabilitation center and hiring a private therapist are other physical therapy options. The exercises done during sessions of PT vary by the condition of the person. Exercises may strive to correct gait, improve balance, build upper body strength or better other physical issues caused by CP.
An alternative to physical therapy is aquatic therapy. Some consider aquatic therapy safer than land therapy because there aren't hard surfaces for the patient to fall and hurt himself on. The water also relieves stress typically placed on the muscles, allowing for an increase in range of motion during sessions. Like PT, aquatic therapy is available through a doctor's prescription and is offered at places like rehabilitation centers.
Medical Therapy
Botox injections and medications that relax muscles are medical therapy options for treating cerebral palsy. Botox injections, used cosmetically to prevent wrinkles, can help relieve tightness in muscles of patients with cerebral palsy. Doctors inject the botox into a tight area, such as the hamstrings. The botox temporarily relaxes the muscles. The effects of the botox treatment usually lasts from anywhere between four to six months. When the injections wear off, schedule another appointment for injections with your doctor. Receiving an increased amount of physical therapy in the months following the botox injections can help to maximize the benefits of the treatment.
Prescribed medication also works to relax muscles. Baclofen is one possible medicine doctors will prescribe for cerebral palsy treatment. Oral baclofen comes in the form of a pill. The relaxing effects of baclofen usually last up to eight hours meaning baclofen needs to be taken multiple times a day. Dopaminergic drugs, like sinernet and artane, are other drugs that may be prescribed to control muscle spasms in people with cerebral palsy.
The Right Treatment for You
The cerebral palsy treatment methods discussed in this article are just a few of the many cerebral palsy treatments out there. If you have cerebral palsy or care for a loved one with CP, talk to your doctor about the right treatment for you.
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