What Do They Do at Neuropathy Clinic Appointments?
Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder of the motor, sensory and/or autonomic nerves. Few types of neuropathy can be healed; however, treating the underlying cause can greatly improve the manifestation of symptoms.
Neuropathy can be caused by an existing medical condition. According to the National Diabetes Clearinghouse, between 60 and 70 percent of individuals diagnosed with diabetes experience some type of neuropathy. Other causes include genetics, dietary deficiency, toxins, trauma or the existence of a tumor.
Neuropathy Evaluation
First, the physician will take your medical history and perform a general physical exam. Taking into consideration your existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, as well as your symptoms and their location(s), your physician will prescribe the appropriate tests.
Based upon your history, symptoms and physical exam, recommended tests may include blood work, a drug screen, an electromyogram, a nerve biopsy and/or nerve conduction studies.
Pain relievers, anti-seizure medications and Lidocaine patches are among the common courses of therapy often prescribed for the treatment of neuropathy. Anti-depressants are sometimes prescribed, as they interfere with chemical processes in your body that allow you to experience pain.