Types of Anxiety Disorder Medications
Mental Health Channel.net states that the most commonly prescribed medication prescribed for anxiety is the benzodiazepines, created in 1960. Although they are effective they carry with them addiction potential as well as side effects that can interfere with one's life.
As benzodiazepine dependence and overall side effects became more public, physicians began using anti-depressants such as Paxil to treat anxiety. The drug had great efficacy and led to the formulation of anti-depressants that specifically target anxiety.
Buspar According to Medicinenet.com, buspirone or "buspar," an anti-anxiety medication, binds to the serotonin receptors in the brain and does not cause sedation. The drug does, however, require several weeks to reach therapeutic levels, like the anti-depressants.
Over the Counter
If taking a benzodiazepine or anti-depressant is something you would not consider, there has been reported success in the use of Benadryl, an antihistamine that has sedating qualities and has even led to the use of prescription antihistamines such as Vistoril being marketed for anxiety.
Whichever medication you decide to use to help alleviate your anxiety, the safest and perhaps most effective implementation of a healthy diet and regular exercise cannot be understated.