How to go to College with Epileptic Seizures
Things You'll Need
- Positive Friends
- Rest
- Discipline
- Nutritional Diet
- Study Time
Inform your family, friends, teachers, and colleagues about your condition. Educate them with proper medical procedures in case you have a seizure. Allow your roommates to know what medication you are taking, the dosage, and where your medication is kept. This is in case of an emergency, the people around you will be able to assist you better when you provide them with the basic knowledge of this illness.
Make sure that you are going to a college that has a Disabled Student Services Center. This center will provide anything you need to help you graduate from college. Students with epileptic seizures also receive funds for tuition, housing, and books. To receive these benefits, you have to ask the disabled student services about funding provided from VOC REHAB (vocational rehabilitation).
Avoid causes of stress in your life. It is important to associate yourself with positive people and to maintain healthy relationships. Hanging with the wrong crowd can bring upon a lot of stress and trigger seizures.
Get proper rest, this is very important. Many epileptics have seizures when they don't get the appropriate amount of rest. Do not procrastinate with school work and don't overload yourself with too many college courses. Only take what you can handle with your condition.
Eat a healthy balanced diet and don't drink alcohol. Alcohol triggers seizures.
It is very important to take your medication. if your medicine makes you sleepy, drink something with caffeine in it to give you energy. If it keeps you awake make sure you don't take it close to bedtime. You don't want to be up all night.