How to Diagnose Traumatic Neuroma
Get an electromyographytest done to evaluate the nerve function. A low EMG reading would indicate that there was nerve damage in the affected area. EMG test results will be interpreted by the technician who administers the test and the results will be given to you indicating whether you are in the typical range for your body composition. This investigative procedure also aids in assessing the status of healing following a nerve injury.
Get a magnetic resonance imaging scan done to obtain a clearer picture of any damage done to the surrounding structures, like tissues or spaces through which the nerve passes.
You can obtain a definitive diagnosis of traumatic neuroma after a doctor takes a biopsy of the tissue around the affected site. The biopsy will be analyzed by a laboratory for any abnormal physical cues that could be causing symptoms which are similar to those of a traumatic neuroma.
Learn more about your treatment options if the tests come back with abnormal results. Surgery or physical therapy may be in order to fully counteract the symptoms of a traumatic neuroma.