Homeopathic Cure for Epilepsy
The Facts
The conventional treatment of epilepsy usually includes the medication carbamazepine, which is often used as a first line of treatment in partial seizures. Sodium valproate is also used as a first line of treatment for those who experienced a generalized seizure. Homeopathy, which deals with specific symptoms in epileptics, such as dizziness and compulsive movements in the arms and legs, is strongly recommended as a supportive line of treatment in combination with conventional treatment. If you haven't already been diagnosed by a medical professional as epileptic, pursuing homeopathic treatments can be dangerous because the disease will be treated with small amounts of remedies that, in healthy people, will produce symptoms similar to those being treated. For example, improperly diagnosed epilepsy treated with homeopathic treatments can lead to seizures/convulsions, changes in behavior and/or mood swings, or weakness in the limbs. For this reason, epilepsy should always be diagnosed by an accredited health professional or doctor before starting any kind of treatment.
There are many types of homeopathic treatments for epilepsy because there are numerous types of epilepsy and, by extension, numerous symptoms. By speaking to a professional homeopath, you will be able to find the right treatment based on the symptoms you experience before, during and after an epileptic seizure.
The main argument for treating epilepsy---or any disease---homeopathically is because each patient is different. Though they may be diagnosed with the same disease or disorder, their symptoms are different, as are their responses to treatment and medication. This is why many people believe there are many benefits to treating epilepsy based on symptoms rather than the generalized disease. By being able to zero in on exact symptoms patients are experiencing, it's believed they will have a better chance of treating those specific symptoms.
Not all conditions---or symptoms---will respond to homeopathic treatment. You should never use recommendations from untrained individuals as a substitute for professional medical advice. For serious ailments such as epilepsy, you should see a medical professional before deciding how you want treatment to be administered. You should never stop taking prescribed medication without consulting your doctor. And if your symptoms persist after being helped by a professional homeopath, you should immediately contact a medical professional.
Expert Insight
According to Dr. Rajesh Shah, a 25-year expert in homeopathy treatment, homeopathy alone may not help all cases of epilepsy. That being said, many cases of epilepsy that have been found to be resistant to conventional treatment and medication have also been found to respond significantly to homeopathy.