Cerebral Palsy & Behavior Problems

Behavioral problems are commonly associated with cerebral palsy (CP), a neurological disorder that effects body movement and muscle coordination. Behavioral problems are often found in CP patients who are mentally challenged.
  1. Causes

    • Behavioral problems in a CP patient stem from the patient's inability to handle emotional stress. This can effect psychological development and how someone with CP interacts with others.


    • Frustration is a common trigger of behavioral problems. Helping a person with CP complete a task can relieve frustration, thereby reducing behavioral problems.


    • There are several ways to deal with behavioral problems, including behavior modification programs and counseling--either individual or family-based, depending on the issue.


    • Cerebral palsy patients who are immobile are more likely to have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). To create a positive learning environment, avoid unnecessary distractions like posters and music.


    • To improve social interaction skills, let a child with CP become accustomed to being around peers. Invite kids in the same age group for activities everyone can participate in.

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