Cerebral Palsy Condition & Symptoms
Delay in gross motor skills, like crawling and walking, is how cerebral palsy is normally spotted. The delay in gross motor skills will cause a concerned parent/guardian to take her child to the doctor, where the doctor is likely to recognize the early symptoms of CP.
Common Symptoms
Cerebral palsy affects the body movement and muscle coordination of those with the disability. Common symptoms of CP are tight or stiff muscles, dragging one leg behind when walking and weakened muscle coordination when performing activities.
Other Symptoms
There are a vast amount of symptoms associated with CP including speech difficulty, poor balance and peg teeth. The most severe cases of cerebral palsy may involve seizures and lack of ability to control bladder and bowels.
The severity of cerebral palsy varies case to case. One person with CP may require lifelong medical assistance while another lives a relatively normal life.
There is no cure for CP but there are several methods of treatment. Treatment may include physical, occupational or speech therapy, drugs to relieve muscle stiffness and orthodics to aid in improving balance.