Remedy for Auricular Neuralgia
If you are not willing to embark on a serious detoxification program, you will not be able to treat auricular neuropathy naturally. This is especially true if you have been eating the standard american diet of white flour, high fat foods, sugar, meat, and chemicals. The whole-body detox includes the following elements: a diet of organic raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and seeds; drinking a gallon of distilled water daily; cleansing the colon, liver, kidneys, and bloodstream with herbs; hydrotherapy; a vigorous exercise regime; adequate sunlight; enough rest; and eliminating stress.
Nutritional supplements are added to the detoxification program, and often include green superfoods, herbal tinctures to aid in detoxification and support the nervous system, colloidal or ionic mineral supplements, and juice therapy. Vitamin and mineral supplements sold in most stores are virtually useless, because they are not bioavailable. This means the body cannot use these forms of vitamins and minerals, and pass them right through. The best vitamins and minerals are plant-based.
One effective way to get enough plant minerals is by purchasing a juicer and making homemade juice. In traditional alternative healthcare, it is recommended that people with any kind of illness "juice fast" for a period of 3 to 30 days, consuming a gallon of fresh, organic, homemade fruit and vegetable juice every day. Simply by juice fasting for two weeks, people report an amazing increase in energy. This is because the body is absorbing vitamins, minerals, and live plant enzymes in a way it can use. Cooking food destroys enzymes, and without enzymes, our bodies cannot function properly.
Many other healing modalities are suggested to help heal auricular neuropathy. Do your homework. Consider the following: aerobics and other kinds of cardiovascular exercise, bentonite clay (as a part of a colon cleanse), colonics (having your colon flushed professionally), eating raw garlic (tremendous anti-microbial and healing properties), dry skin brushing and rebounding (for lymphatic system support), and ridding the body of parasites. Check out whole-body detoxification programs such as the Incurables program outlined by former master herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze, electronic frequency therapies such as Rife and TENS, and neurocranial restructuring (chiropractic).
As with everything else, please consult with a trusted healthcare provider before attempting any form of self-treatment.