Symptoms of CJD
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is an extremely debilitating, terminal disease. All the symptoms of CJD are caused by normal prions that either spontaneously change into infectious prions or a genetic mutation that forms infectious prions. CJD can be acquired through eating beef infected with mad cow disease.-
Behavioral Changes
CJD infection can lead to impaired judgment do to the fact that infectious prions stick together and form plaque on the brain.
Depression can be brought on by the prions causing plaque. Another possible cause of depression in newly diagnosed CJD patients is the fact that CJD is normally fatal within a year of the onset of the disease.
Lack of Coordination
Coordination becomes increasingly impaired as CJD progresses. The more plaque in the brain, the harder it is for neurons to make the connections required for normal coordination.
Memory Loss
One of the harder symptoms for family members and CJD patients alike is memory loss. The longer the disease progresses the harder it becomes for patients to recall people and events.
Dementia is the progressive loss of cognitive function. By the time CJD patients reach this stage, they will not be able to recognize or recall names of family members and friends.