Neurogenic Voice Disorders
According to Dr. Deirdre Michael, neurogenic disorders are commonly the result of damage to the the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which is the nerve that controls the movement of the larynx. Sometimes, neurogenic voice disorders are related to other kinds of problems in the central nervous system (i.e., Parkinson's Disease).
Effect On The Sound Of The Voice
A neurogenic disorder can make an individual's voice weak (often to the point of a whisper), rough or diplophonic (two pitches occurring at the same time).
Other Complaints
According to Dr. Deirdre Michael, other common complaints include vocal fatigue, shortness of breath and swallowing problems.
For people with minor damage, speech therapy may be sufficient. However, for others, surgery may be the only option. There are numerous types of surgeries, including injections, implants and reinnervation. However, the general goal is to move the damaged vocal fold into a position where it can be used by a non-damaged vocal fold to produce vibrations.
According to the Children's Speech Care Center, certain individuals may be particularly prone to neurogenic voice disorders. These include individuals who use their voice heavily, such as singers, courtroom lawyers, teachers and coaches. These individuals can reduce the risk of injury by using amplification or utilizing certain breathing techniques to avoid straining the vocal folds.