How to Perform Exercises for Vestibular Rehabilitation at Home
Perform Cawthorne Cooksey exercises at home. Practice these exercises daily to see quick improvement of your vestibular disorder. Learn more about these exercises through your doctor, online or at you local library.
Play basketball, ping pong or tennis as these sports involve using your balance to help coordinate your movements and will help you improve your vestibular disorder.
Sign up for a Tai-chi class as it has been proven to be an effective vestibular rehabilitation therapy. Consider taking a yoga class as it also involves positions that can greatly strengthen your balance.
Play games on the Wii to help to strengthen your balance daily. Purchase the Wii Fit as it has a balance board which can significantly help to improve the dizziness caused by your vestibular disorder. Record your results and present them to your doctor for discussion about your vestibular rehabilitation efforts.