Define Convulsions
A convulsion is an involuntary, abnormal contraction of the patient's muscles. This usually happens with certain conditions or seizure disorders. During a convulsion, her body is out of control and shaking.
During a convulsion, the patient may either stare blankly without responding to stimuli or he may shake violently, become rigid and lose consciousness.
Time Frame
Symptoms may last as little as five minutes or for as long as 15 minutes. The actual convulsive shaking usually lasts no more than five minutes.
Depending on the severity and suddenness of the convulsion, the patient may be injured from her fall or from hitting immobile objects during the convulsion. If she has frequent or prolonged seizures without regaining consciousness, she may suffer from inadequate oxygen. This is an emergency situation.
The doctor will prescribe an anti-seizure medication, of which there are several, for the patient with a known seizure disorder. The patient will also be ordered to stay away from alcohol and recreational drugs, get sufficient sleep, eat properly and reduce his level of stress.