How to Stop a Seizure at Onset
Know your triggers. Every epileptic has a trigger or set of triggers which will spark a seizure. It can be lack of sleep, flashing lights or high-stress situations. Knowing what your triggers are not only helps you avoid them, but also helps you devise a plan of action to stop your seizure as it begins. Each trigger may require a different plan to help stop it, which is why it is important to know what your triggers are.
Know your warning signs. Just as each epileptic has a trigger, there may also be a warning sign right before a seizure is about to take place. Some experience an aura, or a feeling in their head that occurs prior to seizing. Others, like those with Juvenile Myoclonic, may experience myoclonic twitches which become progressively worse until a grand mal seizure occurs. Knowing your warning signs can help you use the plan you have devised to stop your seizure.
Take your medication. Many epileptics are placed on multiple medications, some of which are effective for stopping a seizure at its onset depending on the type of seizures you suffer from. One such medication, Klonopin, is a type of valium, and when taken at the start of a seizure will take the stress out of the seizure. Since stress is a trigger for many epileptics, removing the stress from a seizure as it begins helps stop it before it gets worse.
Get a tranquilizer injection. Some patients who suffer from acute seizures have had success when injected with drugs such as lorazepam and diazepam. These are often injected by a paramedic shortly after a seizure has begun and have proven effective at stopping the seizure before arriving to the hospital.
Use relaxation techniques. When you notice a trigger has sparked a warning sign, use a relaxation technique such as deep breathing with your eyes closed, or sitting in a dark room with no distractions or noise. Focus on your breathing and staying calm rather than the seizure you fear is taking place or about to take place; this will only cause you stress and increase the chances of a full-blown seizure occurring.