Neurontin & Neuropathy Side Effects
What Is Neuropathy?
Neuropathy is an abnormality of the nervous system. It can be caused by many different problems, and can worsen over time. Although everyone is different, and there may be some variations in each person's condition, there will be plenty of similarities. You lose the ability to function normally, as well as feel things normally, with neuropathy. The nerves are damaged, so they are no longer sending proper signals to the brain. And the brain, in turn, loses some ability to communicate with the arms, legs, hands and feet. Neuropathies can cause such things as loss of feeling, pain, a burning sensation and loss of movement, either altogether, or in succession following no orderly pattern.
What Is Neurontin?
Neurontin is a medication that was originally developed to deal with seizures. Its generic name is Gabapentin, and today it is used for neuropathy-associated pain and problems as often, or even more so, than seizures. Neurontin treats patients with neuropathies, neuritis and neuropathic pain by blocking the calcium channels to the neurons that then send signals to the brain that there is pain. However, there are a number of side effects associated with Neurontin, and some people may not have a good experience with the medication.
Can Neurontin Cause Neuropathies?
Neurological irregularities are mentioned in connection with Neurontin, but there is no mention of neuropathies as being a potential side effect. Some specific neurological side effects that are more commonly seen are memory loss, anxiety, depression, fine motor skill trouble, tremors, nervousness, depression and agitation. Neurontin users can also experience problems with increased or decreased reflexes, and can be prone to thoughts of suicide.
Other Potential Side Effects
Other general potential side effects associated with Neurontin include cardiovascular problems, such as bradycardia or slowing of the heart, hypotension and problems with thrombophlebitis. There are reports of ocular trouble, psychiatric difficulties and hematologic effects, which are blood-related episodes that can include low white blood cell counts. There are gastrointestinal side effects, such as nausea and diarrhea, as well as fatigue, insomnia, loss of smell and tinnitus, which is a ringing in the ears. Most every system in the body has the potential to be affected by Neurontin.
If something does not feel right while taking Neurontin, or if an unmentioned difficulty arises, do not assume it is just simply part of what the medication does. Inform your doctor of anything strange, abnormal or frightening. Studies are fairly new and a rare or formerly unreported side effect needs to be looked into.