What Is the Significance of Dyscalculia?
According to staff of the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences at West Virginia University, there are a few different causes of dyscalculia. These include problems with the ability to visualize numbers, causing learners to confuse them. People with dyscalculia may also have issues with sequencing, which creates difficulties with such mathematical areas as formulae.
The Learning Disabilities Association of America reports several indications that someone may be suffering from dyscalculia. These include problems with arithmetic, fractions and word problems, issues with sequencing information, confusion about steps in operations and using money, trouble seeing patterns, difficulty with telling time and problems with organizational skills.
Staff at the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences report that the vague definitions of math-related learning disorders make a diagnosis difficult and non-definitive. According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, diagnosing someone with dyscalculia involves an evaluation that tests skills like basic arithmetic, making predictions based on patterns, organizational skills, telling time and using money, estimation and checking for one's own mistakes.
There are a number of strategies that educators can use to help people with dyscalculia. These include, according to the Learning Disabilities Association of America, letting learners use their fingers and extra paper, diagramming concepts and creating images of word problems, involving peers in the learning process, use of graph paper and colors to organize problems, using mnemonics and also connecting math to other learning styles, such as through the use of music. Staff at Eberly College have further recommendations, such as reading problems aloud, providing one-on-one teaching time, and special examination situations including extra time and providing extra review.
Staff at Eberly College suggest a number of technological resources that can help those who experience dyscalculia. These include talking hand-held and computer-based calculators, as well as those with large buttons. Multimedia learning aids that engage the learner's other senses are also recommended.
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