Sciatic Nerve Remedy
Juices and Thiamine Foods
You could drink at least 10 ounces each of potato juice and celery leaf juice or celery tea every day for relief from sciatica pain. When carrot and beet root juices are added to this combination, you can benefit from added strength and nutrition. Another treatment for the sciatic nerve comes in the form of a tea or juice of elderberry leaves that helps relax muscles and reduce pain. Natural thiamine-rich foods like green peas, liver, spinach, nuts, bananas, pork and soy beans are beneficial for sciatic nerve cures too.
Horseradish and Water
You could also take half a horseradish and mince it well. Apply a tablespoon or more of the minced paste such that it covers the painful areas. Wrap a cloth around it to form a poultice and leave undisturbed for no less than 60 minutes for pain relief. You could also take consecutive hot and cold water showers or hot and cold compresses to improve blood circulation and reduce pain.
Raw Foods
Raw garlic, rich in antioxidant vitamins B1 and B complex, help stimulate circulation, reduce pains, and aid in keeping the body warm, which is important for feeling comfortable during sciatica pain bouts. You could crush a couple of garlic cloves in half a cup of warm milk and drink it two times a day for a week for positive results. Eating raw fresh sauerkraut is a popular remedy for muscular pain relief for sciatica in Germany.
You could also try laying straight on the floor facing the ceiling. Bring your right knee towards your left shoulder, holding the instep of your right foot from the outside. Hold that position for half a minute and repeat with the other knee. This routine, performed daily for about 15 minutes is beneficial for sciatica. You could also try a butt press by pressing, at the same time, both sides of the center of depression at the buttocks' sides. Count to 15 to stimulate the acupressure points below the skin and release. For another exercise for sciatic pain relief, you could lie on the floor on your back, and rest the lower part of your leg, between the knee and foot, on a chair seat for quarter of an hour.
General Measures
Have a balanced diet, sleep on a firm surface, maintain straight postures while standing and sitting, and avert lifting heavy loads to be cured from sciatica problems. Ice packs for numbing the pain, special ergonomic furniture with lumbar supports, massages with heated mustard oil and crushed garlic or application of aloe vera gel also help reduce sciatic nerve pain. You could further massage the affected area with chamomile oil or oil in which nutmeg powder has been fried.
Medical Remedies
When you visit a doctor with a sciatic nerve problem, the treatment procedure will include tests to rule out causes of the pain. He will then advise you about medicines like analgesics and ask you to see a chiropractor or physiotherapist for regular massages and exercises for reduction of the pain.