Carpal Tunnel Relief
Splints that hold your wrist in a neutral position can help alleviate pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome and prevent symptoms from worsening. According to the Mayo Clinic, splints work most effectively for people who have mild to moderate pain and numbness and whose symptoms have appeared within the last 10 months. Wear your splints at night to prevent any unnecessary bending of your wrists and when doing repetitive tasks that may cause wrist strain, such as typing.
Medications to reduce pain and swelling are beneficial in treating carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, reduce inflammation and provide relief from mild to moderate pain. Other over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), can also help considerably. Corticosteroids taken orally or injected immediately relieve pressure on the nerve in the carpal tunnel and provide quick pain relief. Corticosteroids are not typically used in diabetic patients, as they can make it difficult for the body to regulate insulin levels.
If your carpal tunnel symptoms persist for more than 6 months or steadily worsen, your doctor may recommend surgery to reduce pressure on the nerve. Surgery often offers immediate relief, although some pain and numbness may remain due to severing of the ligament in the wrist. Many carpal tunnel surgery patients undergo physical therapy to build strength in their wrists after surgery. According to the Mayo Clinic, 70 percent of carpal tunnel surgery patients are "completely" or "very satisfied" with the surgical outcome.
Alternative Methods
Some carpal tunnel syndrome patients find a great deal of symptom relief through alternative methods, though most of them are not scientifically proven. Stretching and strengthening exercises, such as yoga, can help reduce nerve pressure and alleviate pain. Acupuncture and chiropractic therapies have not been proven effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome, though many patients have reported symptom relief from these methods. Ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy and electrical stimulation through a TENS unit may also help relieve wrist pain. Vitamin B-6 can help decrease the swelling and numbness many carpal tunnel sufferers experience.