Do Seizures Cause Brain Damage?
Damage in the brain is more likely to be the cause of the seizure, rather than the result.
Preexisting brain conditions can often cause seizures. These preexisting brain conditions include defects from birth such as congenital brain defects, deterioration like degenerative brain diseases, or infections like brain abscess, meningitis, encephalitis, neurosyphilis and AIDS. In infants, phenylketonuria can trigger a seizure. Tumors, both benign and malignant, can cause seizures. Damage to the brain through brain lesions, traumatic brain injury or stroke can also cause seizures.Certain drugs can lead to a seizure, as can the sudden stopping of heavy drinking. Abnormal levels of sodium and glucose, which regulate activity in the brain, can be a cause of seizures. In addition, kidney or liver failure can also result in seizures.
Some people recognize a seizure by sensing a bitter or metallic taste in their mouth. Mentally, people may notice a change in consciousness, change in emotion, change in the sensation of a person's skin and change in vision. Physically, a person may lose muscle control--falling suddenly, twitching and other sudden muscle movement or feeling muscle tension and tightening during a seizure. These symptoms are temporary and usually go away when the seizure is over.
A brain lesion can often be the cause of a seizure. However, it is possible for the seizure itself to cause brain damage. If a person falls during a seizure, she can sustain an injury to the head. Even if there is no breakage in the skull, the brain can be damaged. If the impact is great enough, a person could fall into a coma.
While less likely, long lasting seizures or two seizures within a short time of each other can permanently damage the brain. The potential brain damage from consecutive seizures is due to the large amount of electrical abnormality, which can disrupt normal cell function. Within a few minutes of cell disruption, the brain cells can die. Signs of potential brain damage include confusion, lethargy, memory problems, coma or a continuation of seizure symptoms.