What Are the Treatments for Neuropathy Pain?
Understanding Neuropathic Pain Symptoms
Less than 3 percent of the U.S. population is affected by peripheral neuropathy. Diabetics represent a larger part of the population suffering from neuropathic pain. The type of pain experienced can be related to the affected nerve system, such as sensory, motor, or autonomic. For example, damage to the autonomic nerve system can lead to organ damage, digestive problems and other complications.
Common pain symptoms associated with neuralgia and neuropathy include muscle cramps, weakness, tingling, loss of motor function, sharp pains and burning of the hands and feet. There are two types or classes of pain, deafferentation and sympathetic. Deafferentation pain indicates the there has been an interruption and/or damage to the neural pathways. Symptoms of deafferentation pain include sensory loss, and phantom pains, the feeling of an amputated limb.
Sympathetic pain is generally associated with complex regional pain syndrome which can occur when the large nerve fibers have been damaged. When the large nerve fibers have been damaged the tactile senses can be severely comprised. Symptoms of sympathetic pain include burning, tingling or numbing feeling.
Treating Chronic Pain Caused by Neuropathy
There are several options for treating peripheral neuropathic pain. In some cases, doctors recommend using prescription drugs like those used to prevent seizures. In other cases, doctors may recommend over-the-counter pain relievers.
Homeopathic and herbal remedies can complement pain management programs. Depending on how the neuropathy presents (i.e., foot pain, loss of feeling, burning, tingling) will determine the pain management therapy. It is important to consult a doctor when considering complementary homeopathic and herbal therapies. Salves used to abate neuropathic pain include arnica salve, cayenne pepper salve and calendula salve. Before applying any salve, be sure to learn about any counter indications that might conflict with exiting therapies.
St. John's wort, Jamaica dogwood, and valerian can be used to relieve pain and muscle spasms. These herbs are sold in several forms, including inctures, teas and their natural forms such a bark in the case of Jamaica dogwood.Taking daily vitamins can also help manage pain. Dr. Andrew Weil, a noted health and wellness physician, recommends taking a B-complex vitamin daily as a preventative measure. He also suggests taking alpha-lipoic acid, an amino acid.
Homeopathic Treatments
Homeopathic pain remedies include acupuncture and acupressure, traditional Chinese medicine treatments. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and biofeedback are therapies that use electrical impulses to manage and monitor pain. In the case of TENS, tiny electrical pulses are used to prevent pain from reaching the brain's receptors.
Brain wave biofeedback monitors the body's responses to stress and pain. Biofeedback can teach patients how to control their internal functions and improve their health. Brain wave biofeedback uses electro-encephalography (EEG) to monitor the brain waves associated with pain.
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