Neuropathy Herbal Treatments
Symptoms of Neuropathy
Those with neuropathy can experience a progressive discomfort if the issue is left unmanaged. Patients may experience a tingling or numbing sensation in the limbs. They may lose sensitivity in their extremities, experience shooting pain, or experience hot and cold sensations. In more advanced cases, patients may lose the ability to walk or grasp objects properly, experiencing the "gloved hand" effect. Patients describe the "gloved hand" experience as feeling as though there is a glove on one's hand and tactile sensation is muted or dulled. The gloved hand reflects a loss of sensory perception.
Relieve Neuropathic Pain with Herbal Treatments
Consult a physician before trying any herbal treatments. Also, keep in mind that it can take as long as 6 to 14 weeks to see the effects of herbal treatments. Herbal remedies should be accompanied by a balanced diet, weight management program and light exercise such as short walks. Consult your physician about how to incorporate diet, exercise and neuropathic herbal remedies into your management plan.
Herbal Remedies for Neuropathy
There are many herbal remedies available to pain suffers. As noted on, the options include herbs, salves and vitamins. Herbs like St. John's Wort, Valerian Root and Skullcap can soothe the entire nervous system. Evening Primose and Jamaican Dogwood can work with existing pain management plans to prevent further damage. Topical salves, Cayenne Pepper Salve and Calendula Salve, can be used to ease muscle pain and cramps.
Adding certain vitamins to a pain management regime can be helpful as well. Taking B-6, B-12 and B-complex can improve or sustain nerve health, preventing further damage. Magnesium can soothe the nervous system, reducing pain and discomfort.