How to Treat Convulsions
Call for medical personnel if someone is experiencing convulsions. If the person has a seizure disorder, he may be wearing a medical identification bracelet that will give information on how to treat the convulsions.
Prevent the person from falling. If she is on the ground, clear the area of any dangerous or sharp objects. Place a blanket or pillow beneath her head.
Free the neck of any tight clothing or jewelry. During convulsions these items are choking hazards.
Adjust him so he is lying on his side to avoid him choking on vomit. Vomiting is common while a person is convulsing.
Place a cool cloth over the person's skin. This is especially important if the convulsions resulted from a high fever. A fever reducer, like acetaminophen, can also be administered after the convulsions have subsided.
Wait with the patient until help arrives. If this is the first seizure, a doctor may prescribe seizure controlling medications, such as Phenobarbital.