Burning Foot Syndrome

Burning foot syndrome is a condition that makes it feel like you are walking on hot coals, and it can make standing extremely uncomfortable as well. There are many reasons why a person experiences burning foot syndrome and while some of these reasons are simple, other causes of burning foot syndrome could lead to the discovery of a much more serious condition.
  1. Identification

    • Burning feet is a condition that is found primarily among people 50 years of age and older. It is characterized by a burning sensation in the feet that is sometimes accompanied by a stinging sensation or a noticeable red rash, and in some cases the feet may swell. However, in most cases, the condition's only symptom is a burning sensation in the feet. Doctors treat the symptoms of burning foot syndrome with concern because they could be an indication of a more serious underlying condition.


    • Burning foot syndrome may be caused by something as simple as poorly fitting shoes or wearing socks made from an irritating material, or it could be caused by something as serious as kidney disease. Other possible causes of burning foot syndrome include fungal infections in the foot or toes, nerve damage either in the foot or someplace closer to the spine, a malfunction of the thyroid gland, and liver damage.

    Lifestyle Causes

    • Burning foot syndrome could be the result of a nervous condition brought about by alcoholism or by a deficiency in vitamin B intake. Obesity can also cause burning foot syndrome, which, in that case would simply be the result of the excess weight putting pressure on the feet and causing discomfort. In some cases burning foot syndrome can also be caused by sweating feet, or by the fungal infection known as athlete's foot.


    • Treatment for burning foot syndrome depends on what is determined to be the cause. Fungal infections are normally treated with a cream or ointment that can take several days or weeks to work. If cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption or any other lifestyle element is found to be causing the burning foot syndrome, the cure would be to eliminate that activity.
      When a more serious underlying problem, such as liver or kidney disease, is found to be the cause of burning foot syndrome, a more focused approach on treating the underlying condition is used.

    B Vitamins

    • A popular home remedy for burning foot syndrome is to take B vitamins. However, the only type of burning foot syndrome that such a regimen would help is that caused by nerve damage resulting from vitamin B-12 deficiency, which is rare. In most cases, use of B vitamins to cure burning foot syndrome is not effective.

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