Symptoms of a Pinched Leg Nerve
Numbness is a common symptom of a pinched nerve in the leg, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Some people may describe numbness in the leg as a feeling that the leg or foot has "fallen asleep." Symptoms such as numbness can cause difficulty with movement and can make the leg feel very heavy or uncontrollable.
Pain is a symptom of a pinched leg nerve. Depending on where in the leg the problem with the nerve is located, pain can radiate down the nerve to the foot or up into the hip and abdomen. The sensation of pain caused by a pinched leg nerve may also be a burning sensation.
Spasms or twitches of the muscles of the leg are symptoms of a pinched leg nerve, according to the Mayo Clinic. Muscle spasms in the leg that are caused by a pinched nerve can occur without warning and could cause the leg to suddenly give out, resulting in further injury. Spasms within the leg muscles can also be distracting and cause difficulty concentrating at work, school or home.
According to the Mayo Clinic, tingling is a common symptom of a pinched nerve. A pinched leg nerve can cause tingling or prickling sensations, which are also referred to as paresthesia (abnormal sensations), to occur anywhere in the leg. Depending on where the nerve is pinched, tingling can also be felt in the knees, feet and toes.
According to the University of Washington Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, muscle weakness is a symptom of a pinched leg nerve. Weakness of the leg muscles can result in difficulty with standing or staying in the same position for a long time. A pinched nerve in the leg can also cause symptoms such as reduced mobility and speed.
Sleep Problems
The symptoms of a pinched nerve in the leg can lead to symptoms in other parts of the body, especially sleep problems, according to the Mayo Clinic. The pain and numbness caused by a pinched nerve can be worse at night time, especially when there is more pressure on the leg due to being in a prone position. A pinched leg can make it difficult to find a comfortable sleep position and can interfere with sleeping.