How to Help Sciatic Pain
Apply St. Johns wort oil. This herb contains an active ingredient called hyperforin which when applied liberally, can reduce the pain of the inflamed nerves caused by sciatica.
Take turmeric capsules. This famous spice includes an active ingredient called curcumin, which acts by reducing pain and inflammation associated with sciatica attacks. Take one 500 mg tablet daily.
Take Jamaican dogwood extract. Jamaican dogwood herb contains the active ingredients lisetin and jamaicin which help relieve episodes of sciatica. The recommended dosage is 2-8 ml per day.
Apply chamomile ointment. This flower contains the active ingredient terpene bisabolol which reduces pain, redness and swelling. Apply liberally to affected area every day. You can also drink chamomile tea for maximum benefit.
Do yoga exercises. When performed properly, yoga exercises relieve the pain associated with sciatica. Contact a yoga instructor in your area to schedule a class. Inform her of your sciatica. See resource link below for a video.