How to Cure Facial Blushing
Maintain a balanced diet. Eating salmon and drinking lots of water help the body maintain hormonal balance, which is helpful in controlling blushing reflexes. You may have heard this line a number of times, but staying fit through exercise helps boost confidence and well-being, making it easier for blushers to cope with stressful and embarrassing situations.
Apply hemorrhoid cream on the face area to minimize the redness caused by excessive blushing. This cooling ointment helps dampens the effect of blushing reflexes, offering a quick and effective solution to excessive blushers.
At-home relaxation techniques can help your to control blushing. If not, then undergoing hypnotherapy can effectively help reduce the underlying stresses connected to excessive facial blushing. While it does not fully answer to the treatment of excessive blushing, it helps people deal with facial blushing while awaiting treatment. Take control of your blushing reflexes with NLP, or neuro linguistic programming. Undergoing a number of treatment sessions is believed to help train your brain and your body to react differently to situations that normally trigger excessive and unwanted blushing. Other alternative treatments such as acupuncture and massage can bring about relaxation and manage excessive blushing.
Seek medications to help you block the factors that trigger excessive blushing. Drugs such as beta blockers and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, are extremely helpful in handling situations such as public speaking, preventing the humiliation and depression connected with excessive blushing.
Consider surgical solutions. Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) is a medical procedure that involves the manipulation of sympathetic nerves to relieve the body of the common blushing triggers. The nerves are burned, severed, removed, or clamped to disrupt the transmission of blushing reflexes. This is also helpful in eliminating hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, which is often associated with excessive blushing.