Causes of Neuralgia
Chronic Diseases
Chronic diseases that affect the balance of nutrients, chemicals and waste in the blood may cause neuralgia. An excess of sugar in the blood caused by untreated diabetes can cause damage to nerves over time and result in neuralgia. A disorder of the kidneys, called chronic renal insufficiency, causes bodily waste to build up in the blood, and is a cause of neuralgia.
Certain types of infections can attack the nerves in late stages of the disease, causing neuralgia. Syphilis is an infection usually transmitted by sexual contact, and may be a cause of neuralgia. Lyme disease is another condition that can cause neuralgia as a complication after the initial course of symptoms.
An injury to the body due to trauma or a surgical procedure can cause neuralgia. Surgery may cause neuralgia by severing, nicking, or otherwise physically damaging a nerve. Traumas such as falls, assault or auto accidents may cause serious injuries and internal swelling that can result in neuralgia.
Abnormal pressure or compression of a nerve is a cause of neuralgia, especially neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve of the face. Compression of a nerve may be a result of growth of a tumor on or near a nerve. A herniated disk, bone spur or arthritis can also put pressure on a nerve and cause neuralgia.
Progressive Diseases
Medical conditions that cause progressive damage of the nerves are a cause of neuralgia. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease that damages the outside covering of nerves, and this damage can cause neuralgia. Peripheral neuropathy and diabetic neuropathy may also cause neuralgia as a result of damage to nerves in the extremities and skin.
Shingles is a disease caused by a second attack of varicella zoster, which is the virus that causes chickenpox. Neuralgia is a common complication of a shingles attack, and this condition is called postherpetic neuralgia. The duration of neuralgia caused by shingles can be several months or longer, and treatments may not completely cure the pain.