How to Live With RSD
Learn patience. Diagnosis can be a difficult and lengthy process requiring numerous tests and multiple specialists.
Assemble a multidisciplinary medical team to help you with all aspects of RSD. Consultations with a neurologist, orthopedist, internist, pain specialist and psychologist will help ensure that all of your symptoms are addressed.
Accept that you will most likely need to try several different pain management techniques before you find one that is effective. Pain management depends on the type of pain you experience and may range from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to nerve blocks, opioids or even surgery to interrupt nerve activity in the affected area.
Include physical therapy in your treatment regimen. Physical therapy will help maintain your range of motion in affected limbs.
Remember to take care of your mental health. Although the physical symptoms of RSD are the most immediate and obvious, the condition takes a toll on you emotionally. People with RSD often become depressed and withdrawn because of chronic pain and an inability to take part in activities.
Reach out to others who understand your condition by joining an RSD support group. Sharing your feelings and challenges with fellow sufferers and hearing their experiences and suggestions will help you learn to accept and live with your condition.