Causes of Numb Hands
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common causes of numbness in the hands. When the carpal tunnel portion of the wrist narrows, it pinches the median nerve and the tendons that allow your fingers to bend. This added pressure can create numbness, tingling and pain in the wrist and hand.
Nerve Pressure
Any sort of undue pressure on the nerves in your spine or neck can cause your extremities to go numb, especially the hands. Some causes of increased pressure on nerves include a herniated disk, scar tissue, an infection or, in rare cases, a tumor that expands and pinches peripheral nerves or the cervical nerve root itself.
Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection that affects the nerve roots. It is actually the virus that causes the chickenpox. If you've had chickenpox, this virus remains in your system for the duration of your life. The virus is dormant, however, unless your immune system is weakened. Shingles appears as a rash on one side of the body that blisters and then crusts over. It can be very painful and because it affects the nerves, you might experience numbness in your hands as a persistent symptom.
Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome
Just like carpal tunnel syndrome, another common cause of numbness in the hands is ulnar tunnel syndrome. The ulnar nerve connects to the little finger and a portion of the ring finger. When the ulnar nerve becomes compressed, the hands can begin to tingle, feel painful or even numb. Commonly speaking, the ulnar nerve can become aggravated if you hit your "funny bone," at the bend of your elbow.
One of the most common side effects of diabetes is numbness in the extremities. Many people with this disease have circulation issues, making numb hands very real possible. If you are a diabetic and experience this symptom, be sure to tell your doctor, as extreme circulation problems can result in amputation.
Other Causes of Numb Hands
Numbness in the hands can be caused by other conditions including migraines, an underactive thyroid, stroke and multiple sclerosis. Undergoing radiation therapy can also cause numbness in the extremities. In some cases, medical advice should be sought for proper diagnosis and treatment.