Definition of a Neurogenic Bladder
The brain coordinates the bladder's functioning capability so when the brain or spinal cord has received an injury a neurogenic bladder can occur. Diseases such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis can also cause a neurogenic bladder along with nerve problems from genetics.
Urinary tract infections and urinary incontinence are very common with a neurogenic bladder. Other symptoms may include frequent and/or urgent need to urinate and the feeling of not being able to void completely. These symptoms are related to a number of other ailments so proper diagnosis by your doctor is advised.
Diagnosis is normally done by a urologist who specializes in the field of urological symptoms. There are different ways doctors diagnose a neurogenic bladder. CT scans or imaging of the bladder and ureters are done along with an EEG to see if the brain is functioning properly. Also a test to expand the bladder is normally used. This test expands the bladder with water and with imaging allows the doctor to see inside the bladder walls and examine how well the bladder both holds the urine and expels it. A camera can also be used to look inside and take photos of the inside of the bladder.
There are varying treatments for neurogenic bladders according to the degree of the discomfort. If occasional leakage occurs you might decide to use panty liners or adult diapers. If the symptoms are much worse, catheters can be used to empty the bladder at different times. Certain foods and drinks contribute a large part in how your bladder operates. Avoiding caffeine, which stimulates the bladder to empty can help an overactive bladder. Spicy and citrus foods can aggravate the bladder lining making a neurogenic bladder worse.
Antispasmodic drugs are sometimes administered for a neurogenic bladder to help lessen the spasms of needing to void constantly. By relaxing the bladder it lessens the frequency and urgency. Though not FDA approved, anti-depressants have been used in helping those with bladder problems by lifting the serotonin levels and thereby relaxing bladder muscles.