Causes of Seizure Disorders
Knowing a person's seizure disorder cause is an important step in the treatment process. Though there are many medications available to help control and manage this disorder, finding the medication that will work for each individual depends on knowing why their seizures are taking place. In addition, it is important for the epileptic to know what their specific triggers may be.
Abnormalities in genes may be the most common cause of seizure disorders. In some types of epilepsy, the cause can be traced to an abnormality in a specific gene, while in other types, genetic abnormalities only play a small role in how susceptible a person may be to the triggers that provoke his/her seizures.
Prenatal Injuries
Oxygen deficiencies, infections during pregnancy, and poor nutrition during pregnancy all effect the developing brain of the baby. These also lead to conditions such as cerebral palsy, which is often associated with seizure disorders. Genes responsible for the development of the brain that contain abnormalities also may be a contributing factor to epilepsy.
Someone who has been exposed to lead or carbon monoxide, or any other poisons or toxins, may develop epilepsy as a result of their exposure. Poisons also can include street drugs and overdoses of antidepressants or other prescription medications.
Brain Damage
Brain damage can result from disorders, illnesses or traumatic events such as car accidents. Alzheimer's disease, alcoholism and brain tumors are all causes because they have a tendency to alter the normal functioning of the brain. Illnesses such as strokes and heart attacks can cause seizures to develop because they deprive the brain of oxygen. Diseases such as AIDS, hydroceplalus and menengitis cause an excess build-up of fluid in the brain, resulting in the onset of seizures as well.
Though triggers are not what cause the epilepsy to begin, they are responsible for provoking a seizure to occur. The most common trigger for any epileptic is sleep deprivation. For some, quick flashes of light or a flicker on a computer monitor also can provoke an episode. Other triggers can include hormonal changes, alcohol consumption, especially when taking an anticonvulsant, and stress. It should be noted that every person who suffers from a seizure disorder will have his/her own trigger or set of triggers. Being aware of what sparks a seizure will help control the number of seizures you have.