Types of Hand Tremors
Resting Tremors
A resting tremor is a type of tremor that occurs when the body part that is shaking is at rest. This means that any sort of activity to the affected part of the body will cause the tremor to go away. So, if you have a resting hand tremor, when you reach for something, the tremor will disappear. Resting tremors can happen when nerve cells at the base of the cerebrum become damaged, as can happen with Parkinson's disease or with some antipsychotic drugs.
Intention Tremors
Intention tremors manifest when the affected person is either making a "purposeful movement" (such as flicking a switch or pressing a button) or when they are aiming for a target (trying to grab a glass of water, for instance). These types of tremors can cause people to miss things that they are reaching for. Hand intention tremors are usually the result of damage to the cerebellum, either due to multiple sclerosis, a stroke, or brain damage related to alcoholism.
Postural Tremor
A postural tremor occurs when a limb is held in place against gravity. For example, if you hold your hand out in front of you and you find it shaking, but not when it is supported from the wrist, that would be a postural hand tremor. These tremors can be due to some toxin in the brain, hyperthyroidism, or withdrawal from alcohol use.
Essential Tremors
An essential tremor is one that manifests itself gradually, with no known cause. Some types of essential hand tremors are hereditary. These hand tremors may get gradually worse, but do not indicate a serious condition, though they can be frustrating. In general, these tremors will get better when the hand is at rest and will become more obvious if the hand is held in a position that is uncomfortable.
Asterixis is a condition that can affect hands and is commonly misdiagnosed as a tremor. In asterixis, a group of muscles that are contracted suddenly go limp and remain that way for several seconds. Asterixis commonly affects the hand and can cause the hand to suddenly droop and be unresponsive for many seconds.