Symptoms of Thoracic Intercostal Nerve Damage
Pain is the most common symptom of thoracic intercostal nerve damage. This pain is usually localized along the back, shoulders and neck.
Sufferers may also exhibit signs of weakness. They'll notice that their muscles don't feel as strong as they once did and they will have problems doing simple things.
In some cases, the person with nerve damage feels numbness. With thoracic intercostal damage, she usually feels numb in one part of her back.
In extreme cases of nerve damage, the nerve groups become paralyzed. The person may be unable to raise his arm or move his neck.
Pins and Needles
The sensation known as pins and needles is also common. One part of the body feels like it's tingling or like someone is pricking her with a needle.
Lack of Movement
Thoracic intercostal nerve damage also presents with a lack of movement. This is similar to paralysis except that the sufferer can still move, but not move as easily as he did before the damage.