Cause of Pins and Needles Sensation
Crossing your knees or ankles or sitting with your legs folded or with a foot under your buttocks may cause a sensation of pins and needles in your legs and feet.
If you have to stay in the same position for a long time, such as sitting in a car or standing up for work, you may have pins and needles sensations in your feet.
Mineral Imbalances
An imbalance of minerals such as calcium, potassium or sodium in your blood can cause swelling, fluid retention, and a sensation of pins and needles.
Artery Disease
Disease in your peripheral arteries may cause a sensation of pins and needles in your arms, hands, feet and legs.
Nerve Damage
Damage to your spinal cord can cause a sensation of pins and needles in different parts of your body, depending on where along your spine the damage occurred.
If you have diabetes, you may experience poor circulation in your hands and feet that can cause coldness as well as a sensation of pins and needles.