How to Know If You Have Parkinson's Disease
First, the first noticeable symptoms for a person suffering from Parkinson's will be tremors and trembling.
Secondly, muscle stiffness is another common symptom. this stiffness and rigidity may be one of the first symptoms noticed when no other symptoms are apparent.
Third, "Freezing" which is a sudden inability to move when you want to. You may start dragging a foot, or have difficulty waking through doorways or hallways or narrow restricting spaces. All of this can also play havoc with your balance.
Fourth, a person may have trouble controlling facial muscles. There may be reduced facial expression, infrequent blinking, and slow swallowing causing increased saliva secretions, in the form of drooling.
Lastly, a great deal of Parkinson's suffers deal with depression. They ay feel anxious, angry,and discouraged. This all a result of chemical changes in the brain. If you are suffering from one or more of these symptoms I suggest you visit your physician as soon as possible.