Natural Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Yoga is more effective for relieving carpal tunnel syndrome than using a wrist splint or no treatment at all, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998. People in this study who practiced yoga over 8 weeks showed more improvement than the control groups, and had significant pain reduction and grip strength improvement.
Deep Tissue Massage
An intense type of massage therapy, deep tissue massage works to realign layers of muscles and connective tissues. It is especially beneficial for chronically tense areas such as sore shoulders, stiff neck and painful low back areas. The therapist may use knuckles, elbows, and specific massage tools to treat specific trigger points. The massage works to break down bands of painful and rigid tissue in tendons, muscles and ligaments. This increases circulation, relieves inflammation and improves movement.
Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupuncturists insert needles into specific points in the body to restore the flow of vital energy, or qi, to body areas. Acupuncture is one of the more common alternative treatments for pain, and can be beneficial for relieving carpal tunnel syndrome. In conjunction with acupuncture, acupressure is recommended as a combination treatment. In this procedure, the client applies finger pressure to specific acupuncture points. This pressure is believed by alternative practitioners to promote circulation, relieve tension and stimulate healing.
Hellerwork addresses carpal tunnel syndrome with gentle stretching and slow movements to release patterns of strain and tension. The practitioner combines deep tissue bodywork with movement therapy, teaching connections between movement and body alignment. The therapy enhances ease of motion through releasing deep pressure points.
Non-Surgical Conventional Therapy
Conventional medicine for carpal tunnel syndrome begins with natural treatments. The wrist should be rested for two weeks or longer to allow the nerves a chance to heal, and is immobilized in a splint to prevent further injury. People should apply ice packs to reduce inflammation. Once the symptoms subside, physical therapists can teach the client stretching and strengthening exercises which sometimes prevent the syndrome from reoccurring. People who spend a great deal of time working on a computer and are beginning to feel the effects in the wrists can wear wrist splints as a preventive measure.