Early Signs of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia signs can occur out of the blue, or there may be symptoms leading up to it. Some family members may notice that something is not right with the person, but can't figure out what it is.
Social withdrawal occurs. They may experience severe social anxiety and do not want to be around people. This can even include people living with them in the house.
Extreme paranoia can be a symptom. Many schizophrenics believe in conspiracy theories, or think everyone is out to get them. They constantly accuse people of spying on them.
Delusions may occur. These delusions can be that they are some grand person, or they may be delusions of persecution or delusions of reference--meaning that inanimate objects are giving them a sign to do something, or they believe alien forces are in control.
Hallucinations also can be a symptom. Sounds or sensations occur only in their head, but the sufferer believes they are real. Visual hallucinations may also make the person do things that they usually do not do.
Schizophrenics have disorganized or fragmented speech. Maintaining a train of thought is hard and they may verbalize illogical thoughts.