How to Treat Friedreich'S Ataxia
Set up an appointment with a doctor if you think you many have Friedreich's ataxia. The symptoms that are associated with this disorder falls into 4 different categories; neuromuscular, neurological, bones and cardiac. Neuromuscular symptoms include clumsiness, difficulty walking, difficulty moving arms, paralysis of the leg muscles and loss of sensation in the limbs. Neurological symptoms are difficulty speaking, vision problems and hearing loss. Bone problems are deformities of the spine and feet. Cardiac symptoms are shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, chest pain and any of the symptoms of heart failure. If you are experiencing any of those symptoms, seek medical attention.
Get the appropriate tests done. The tests that may be done by your physician are nerve conduction to check for nerve damage, electromyogram to check for muscle damage, electrocardiogram to check for heart abnormalities, echocardiogram that measures thickness of heart muscle and other tests to check blood sugar and heart rhythms.
Get physical and occupational therapy. This is to help you function better even with the systems that attack the muscles and movements of the body. You will need to know, control and live with the shaking movements, difficulty using legs and arms and paralysis of the leg.
Be prepared to receive bracing or surgery for the bone deformities. To prevent heart disease, serious cases of scoliosis is usually operated on at an early age. Other deformities are corrected with braces. There will be special consideration need if the condition caused the spine to curve and restricted normal breathing.
Ask doctor about prescription medication for the heart disease and diabeties. If you are showing these type of symptoms, beta-blockers may be given for the heart disease and insulin for the diabeties. Also, antioxidants are given to try to decrease the progression of the disease.