How to Take Supplements for Tourette's Syndrome
Things You'll Need
- Taurine
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Fish oil
- Vitamin C
Consult with your primary care physician and/or neurologist before taking supplements. Some supplements may interfere with prescription medications you might take.
Take taurine in amounts based on your weight. Taurine helps to calm the nervous system and can be a powerful aid in reducing tics.
Take magnesium, a natural muscle relaxant. While you can consume magnesium-rich foods (such as almonds) to help increase magnesium intake, some people with Tourette's syndrome are found to be magnesium-deficient. While it's common to take magnesium and calcium together, some people with TS and tic disorders find that additional calcium can actually increase tics. Take the magnesium alone for a few weeks and consider adding calcium later if you wish.
Add potassium to your supplement schedule. Potassium helps with muscles, and many people with TS report that taking potassium can help with symptoms.
Swallow 1 tbsp. fish oil, rich with omega-3 fatty acids, each day. Cod liver oil is the most common form of fish oil. While it may not taste great (try lemon-flavored cod liver oil to break the taste), the omega-3 fatty acids help with neurotransmitters in the brain.
Take vitamin C, a natural immune booster and antioxidant, which can help with tics.