How to Recover From a Stellate Ganglion Injection
Things You'll Need
- Notepad
How to Recover from a Stellate Ganglion Injection
Don’t drink or eat anything. You must wait at least 4 hours after this procedure to swallow. Due to the sedation, your swallowing reflex may not be working properly.
Eat soft foods for a couple of days. Many patients complain that it feels as if there is a “lump” in the throat. Until this sensation disappears, avoid eating crunchy foods because you may have pain as you swallow.
Nap. After a stellate ganglion injection, your mind will be in a fog. You may also feel slightly amnesiac for an hour or so. This is normal and should be expected. You will be very groggy or have a headache because of the side effects of the medication that was used. It is best to sleep off these side effects.
Try not to talk. Your voice will be hoarse and your throat may feel sore. Grab a notepad and start writing when you need to speak. This will help you heal faster if you take it easy on your voice box. Never yell after this type of injection because the sensation of having a “lump” in your throat will only worsen.
Use antihistamines. Sometimes the pain medication that is used can cause you to feel itchy. Speak to your physician about using an antihistamine every 4-6 hours to relieve your discomfort.
Rest. Some patients require rest up to a week after the injection and others are able to bounce back the next day. Each patient is different. You should always listen to your body and rest as much as possible if you feel extra tired. Don’t do more activities than your body can tolerate.
Take pain medication. In the days after this procedure, your body may feel stiff and very sore. Discuss with your physician which medication will help you to alleviate your painful symptoms. Take this medication on a regular schedule to ease the pain near the injection site.