How to Treat Neuralgia
Deal with any underlying cause or condition. Neuralgia is often present with infections, such as tooth decay, and nasal infections or following a viral illness such as shingles. What appears to be a migraine or sinus headache may be neuralgia. Neuralgia may be the result of an injury or stress. Diabetes may trigger trigeminal neuralgia. All of these situations require attention before any treatment can be successful for the neuralgia itself.
Determine what kind of neuralgia you have. The most common, trigeminal neuralgia, is caused by the inflammation of one of the two nerves that split into three segments on either side of the face. It is often aggravated by hot or cold air or water, touch or simply washing or shaving. Postherpetic neuralgia follows an episode of shingles resulting from the measles virus. Occipital neuralgia occurs around the base of the skull and results from a pinched occipital nerve. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia affects the back of tongue or throat back to the ears and can be triggered by something as simple as chewing or swallowing. The pain associated with these facial neuralgias is sharp, shooting, burning or tingling. It may be dull or excruciating. Begin your treatment by getting to your doctor, who may order a CT scan or MRI to eliminate other conditions such as tumors or aneurysms and to pinpoint any compression points on nerves.
Learn about your neuralgia. Use one of the reference web sites below or search using "neuralgia" or the specific type of neuralgia that bothers you. Trigeminal Neuralgia is also called "tic douloureux" (meaning "painful twitch"). You can also find information using the location of the neuralgia -- cranial, facial or Atypical Facial Pain (ATFP), a general term for a number of types of facial neuralgia. Ask your health professional or find information on your own about what triggers episodes of your neuralgia. and what alternatives are available.
Avoid triggers for neuralgia episodes. Seek treatment as soon as possible for virus infections like shingles to minimize the chance of developing postherpetic neuralgia. Avoid triggers for glossopharyngeal or trigeminal neuralgia (strong chewing, cold wind, toothbrushing). Sit up straight and lie down flat to avoid twisting or bending your neck for extended periods. Correct any dietary deficiencies that your doctor or nutritionist points out.
Follow your doctor's orders for medication. Anti-seizure and antidepressant drugs are often used to suppress pain with cranio-facial neuralgia. Electrical stimulation is effective in some types of neuralgia and pain relievers or a drug called capsacin are often used for postherpetic neuralgia. Where relief is not found for trigeminal neuralgia, surgery can be performed to deaden or remove the trigeminal nerve. Follow all directions for medication and never stop taking an anti-seizure or antidepressant medication suddenly or without consulting your doctor.
Investigate alternative or homeopathic treatments. Acupunture, Vitamin B-complex and some herbal remedies have all been used, with some success stories, to relieve the pain associated with neuralgia. When trying alternative, holistic or herbal medical treatments, inform your doctor. You may not only avoid any conflicts with the treatment she has ordered but she may be able to identify a hoax and save you the money.