How to Diagnose ALS
Have blood and urine tests performed on you, if you suspect you may have ALS. Doctors have highly sensitive tests that help lead to the conclusion that ALS may be your issue. However, this is not a complete test and will often result in further testing to determine your condition.
Request a spinal tap. The spinal fluid contains a lot of information for doctors seeking ALS. Spinal taps are serious procedures that are often painful and dangerous for the patient. Normally, doctors try and find other methods first before choosing this option.
Get electrodiagnostic tests including electomyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) tests performed. These examine the health of your nerves and can assist in locating ALS early in its development.
X-ray your spinal column and have CAT scans performed on your brain. Looking beneath the surface of your body is an excellent way of determining if there is damage or deterioration of your brain and spine due to ALS.
Ask doctors to perform a muscle nerve biopsy. This too tests the nerves and is a good indicator whether you are suffering from this disease.