How to Keep From Getting Dizzy
Remain calm. Stress and anxiety can bring on dizzy spells. Practice ways to effectively calm down when you're upset to reduce stress levels. Try breathing slowly, talking to a friend or playing relaxing music.
Stand up slowly. If you have circulation problems you should get up slowly when lying down or sitting. The quick rush of blood could be getting you dizzy.
Use allergy medications to keep from getting dizzy. Allergies to household or environmental products can certainly make your head spin. Talk with your doctor about medication. An ear, nose and throat doctor might be needed if symptoms of vertigo are present.
Avoid looking down or reading when you are riding in a car. Also take a motion sickness medication prior to traveling if you're not driving.
Get regular blood pressure checks. If your pressure is too high or too low it could cause dizziness. Stay on top of it and watch your sodium, tobacco and caffeine intake.
Eat regular small meals if you're pregnant. Sometimes you don't feel like eating when you're pregnant, but to avoid dizziness you will have to try to eat at least a little.
Drink water to stay hydrated. Dehydration is a common cause of getting dizzy. Drink plenty of fluids to maintain electrolyte balance.