How to Diagnose Arachnoiditis
Understand that severe pain which continues after back surgery needs to be investigated by your physician. The pain is described as persistent stinging or aching, radiating down the legs into the foot area. The pain is also felt in the arms and middle of the back radiating to the chest and neck.
Recognize that back pain associated with arachnoiditis does not respond to use of muscle relaxants or even narcotic pain medications.
Prepare to undergo computerized axial tomography (CAT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which may indicate an inflammation occurring in the subarachnoid space.
Request that your physician perform an EMG (electromyogram) which evaluates the damage of any affected nerve roots using electrical impulses.
Ask your doctor if it is appropriate to have proteins and other different cell types in the spinal fluids be tested, if the arachnoiditis is thought to be in the early stages.