How to Treat Tourette's Syndrome
Monitor the condition for several months. Record symptoms and the frequency of their appearances. Note how often outbursts disrupt social events or personal activities. Establish a baseline for these symptoms to set a goal for a treatment plan.
Take prescribed medication to alleviate the physical disorders associated with Tourette's Syndrome. Antipsychotics can help, and so can clonidine, a blood pressure medicine.
Consider psychotherapy or behavior therapies to help cope with Tourette's Syndrome. Understanding the condition and learning to live with it can go a long way toward easing the depression that often accompanies this disorder.
Try relaxation techniques. These can help ease the stress and anxiety that are a part of suffering from Tourette's Syndrome. Reducing stress can also lessen tics and tremors.
Open your mind to alternative methods of treatment, including diet modifications, biofeedback and deep brain stimulation. Though none are clinically proven, any of these treatments may be worth trying to treat Tourette's Syndrome.