How to Survive Brain Shivers

Brain shivers is a non-medical term used by some internet bloggers described as an electrical sensation. Those who complain about brain shivers have recently stopped or are taking certain antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs affect the serotonin levels by blocking absorption by certain nerve cells, which results in more serotonin in the brain cells, increasing nerve impulses.


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      Discuss symptoms with your doctor. "Brain shivers" is an original term used to describe this phenomenon. The medical society is beginning to take notice of this problem and gather information from their patients. More discussion is necessary to find the source and solution.

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      Educate yourself on the medications you are taking and their side effects. Be proactive when it comes to your health. There are many sources of information on medications, their intended uses and their side effects. Your physician or pharmacist can help you find the information you need.

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      Consult with your physician before you discontinue any medication. Stopping suddenly or missing a dose can have dangerous side effects.

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      Examine the other possibilities for treatment of depression and anxiety. Natural ways to boost serotonin levels include exercise, good nutrition, light therapy and stress reduction. Long walks, more daylight activities and a diet that includes complex carbohydrates are all ways to enhance serotonin levels. Yoga and meditation are good choices for stress reduction.

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